AI Blog

10 Things the Fine Art Community Can Do to Embrace and Legitimize Artificial Intelligence Art by Alice Absolutely

The Fine Art community can take several steps to legitimize AI Art including categorizing AI Art distinctly, setting ethical rules, creating spaces and platforms for AI discussions and exhibitions, studying and promoting its practice, collecting genuine AI Art, writing about its innovations, promoting its works, collaborating with AI artists, and funding its ethical research and production. Embracing AI Art doesn't have to overshadow traditional art but it can enrich the art world by offering a blend of technology and creativity. As AI reshapes the art canvas, supporting AI Art champions a revolutionary movement in the Fine Art domain.

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Embracing the Controversy: AI Art and Copyright Infringement by Alice Absolutely

Let’s explore the impact of artificial intelligence on the art world and the nuances of the current AI v. copyright debate. The question of whether AI artwork constitutes copyright infringement is complex. While AI art itself may not infringe copyrights, it can do so if artists' work is used without permission in training sets.

Artists should be aware of the risks of sharing their work online, as this extends beyond AI to encompass fair use, digital privacy, NFTs, and corporate responsibility. While generative AI brings new opportunities and conversations, it also disrupts traditional art forms and livelihoods. As artists, we must adapt to these changes or face the consequences.

Discover the possibilities of AI art in my review of some current events in the digital art market and in my collection of fine art at Alice Absolutely Studios. Each piece is an original, hand-touched creation, reflecting my unique voice. Embrace cutting-edge, disruptive fine art with me!

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Pioneering AI Art in a Traditional Art World: Creating, Buying, and Appreciating Artificial Intelligence Artworks by Alice Absolutely

AI artwork has begun to garner interest and curiosity. This blog dives into the questions surrounding the AI Art I create and its place in the traditional art world. While some believe that AI Art is stealing from traditional digital artists, the democratizing effect of AI technology in the art world can't be ignored. This blog demystifies my creative process and explores how AI and human elements co-exist to create unique pieces of art. Join me as I share my journey and explain how I incorporate my artistic signature into AI artworks. I also share my thoughts on the critique and controversy surrounding AI Art. If you're looking to understand or even buy AI Art, this article will shed light on the intersection of art and artificial intelligence in today's art market.

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Understanding the Future: What Is Generative Artificial Intelligence Art and How Does AI Art Work? by Alice Absolutely

Learn how generative artificial intelligence art works in this blog post which explores the intriguing world of AI art. Learn how AI leverages vast datasets of images tagged with text-based descriptors to create unique and limitless variations of artwork. Dive into the nuances of AI-generated images and understand how the datasets can impact the results. The blog also addresses the concerns of biases in AI art and the challenges of accurately portraying anatomy. As AI art evolves, I will continue to discuss the ongoing effort to make it more inclusive, diverse, and accurate. For a deeper understanding and a peek into AI-created masterpieces, visit Discover the future of AI in art today.

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